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APHR Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 13

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. business operating expenses (direct costs associated with operating a business, such as rent, salaries, benefits, equipment, technology, and so on)

A) work unit
B) redeployment
C) overhead
D) SWOT audit

2. lending of money or goods

A) change agent
B) lease
C) franchising
D) loan

3. planning and controlling the professional development of an employee (preparing, implementing, and monitoring the career path of employees, with a focus on the goals and needs of the organization)

A) global organization
B) equity partnership
C) mission statement
D) career management

4. the grouping of employees and processes (the way that employees and processes are grouped into departments or functions in an organization, along with a description of reporting relationships

A) organizational structure
B) uncertainty avoidance
C) organizational development (OD)
D) functional structure

5. a vertical and horizontal organizational model (an organizational model that combines different operational, functional, product, and geographic structures)

A) turnkey operation
B) geographic structure
C) hybrid structure
D) company culture

1. Right Answer: C

2. Right Answer: D

3. Right Answer: D

4. Right Answer: A

5. Right Answer: C

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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