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APHR Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 29

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 20 Jan 2025

1. not required, unless you want to file a law suit for infringement

A) sampling error
B) seating arrangement for small groups
C) Multipule career concept model
D) Filing a copyright is generally

2. transferring or sharing management control to an outside supplier

A) field review
B) HR Outsourcing
C) critical incident
D) Expert (MCCM)

3. lower needs must be filled before a person will try to meet higher needs

A) tools used to track progress
B) Protean career (hall and mirvis)
C) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
D) Porter and Lawler Model

4. 4.25 per hour, under 20 years old, first 90 days with employer- must pay full min wage after 90 days

A) behavioral anchored ratings
B) 5 Management Responsibilities
C) 2 thing to measure ROI of training
D) Special minimum wage for youth

5. based on education and experience

A) Multipule career concept model
B) Knowledge based pay
C) critical incident
D) compensable factors

1. Right Answer: D

2. Right Answer: B

3. Right Answer: C

4. Right Answer: D

5. Right Answer: B

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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