1. primary duty is making sales, inside sales persons are non exempt
A) Outside salespersons
B) Fair use allows?
C) Functional Structure
D) Workers comp covers?
2. career planning and Career management
A) Two competent of career development
B) Three roles in career development
C) Straight line depreciation method
D) Employers are covered by OSHA if
3. If pay is too high or too low
A) 2 types of reporting relationships
B) workers comp premiums are based on?
C) Can use compa-ratio to analyze?
D) Organizational approach to OSHA
4. provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12 month period
A) Linear (MCCM)
B) Nursing Mothers are guaranteed
C) Staff Management
D) FMLA 1993 Family and Medical leave act
5. Employee's must be paid time and a half for every hour worked over 40. Includes all pay- bonus and shift differential
A) Point Factor Method
B) Overtime
C) Incentive Pay
D) Content theories
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