1. internal, inhouse or work site- all done in house. disadvantage is confidentiality.external EAP- contract with 3rd party
A) OSHA form 301
B) Overtime
C) EAP models
D) HR Operations
2. educational and development activities to enhance control of direction of own carrer
A) career planning
B) Risk Management
C) Broadbanding
D) HR Operations
3. Attempt to bring an individual pay rates closer to the midpoint of the range
A) Employer owns copy right of employee's
B) Pay adjustment matrix or salary guide chart
C) 3 data collection methods for primary research
D) Two competent of career development
4. deliver newspapers, perform in radio, tv movies or theater. Work in parent owned business, work as home workers
A) 2 thing to measure ROI of training
B) Child Labor Permissible Jobs Youth at Any Age
C) accelerated depreciation method
D) Point Factor Method
5. an employee who owns bon-fida 20-percent equity interest who is actively in management, is considered a bon-fide exempt
A) Divisional Structure
B) Once a bill is passed, it is?
C) After the house and senate accept the bill it is sent to?
D) Special exemption for business owners
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