1. behavior modeling, reinforcement, and transfer of training.
A) super salary test
B) 3 learning styles
C) Broadbanding creates
D) Dual Career Ladder
2. Individual is paid over salary max range
A) Red Circle
B) Broadbanding
C) Objective
D) Tactics
3. Contributes to efficiency and maintenance of organization ( HR, FINANCE, ACCOUNTING)
A) Generation Y
B) Staff Management
C) Independent Contractors are not
D) profit sharing
4. Focus on the value of a person places on a goal and how their view fairness compared to others
A) Non exempt employees must
B) Porter and Lawler Model
C) Broadbanding creates
D) central tendancy error
5. medical expenses, 2/3 salary, rehab, retraining, monetary settlement and death benefit
A) Incremental Budget
B) Dual Career partnerships
C) Workers comp covers?
D) compensable factors
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