A) Filing a copyright is generally B) Child Labor Permissable jobs 16 and 17 years of age C) seating arrangement for training large groups D) 5 types of needs in maslows hierachy of needs
2. applies to employers with 50 or more employees. doesnt have to provide mental health benefits. group health plans must provide the same annual and lifetime dollar limits for mental health benefits as they do for other medical and surgical benefits.
A) The mental health parity and Addiction equity act (2008) B) 5 types of needs in maslows hierachy of needs C) Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation D) Can an employee sue an employer for workers comp?
3. onetime payment for all or part of a yearly pay increase . Base pay remains the same
A) Pay Compression B) lock out/ tag out C) Lump Sum Increase D) Secondary Research
4. _____________ is a contract that refuse to handle or work on goods shipped from a struck plant or to provide services to an employer listed on a union unfair list.
A) MicroLearning B) Best of breed C) Hoteling D) Hot Cargo
5. _____________________ is a battery of simulated exercises design to assess readiness for higher managerial competencies
A) Red Circle Rate B) Assessment center C) A Pulse Survey D) After Action Review
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