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[CPLP] Human Resources Certification Exam Questions - Part 101

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Identify knowledge, skills, desire, environment, and opportunity (with some variation in the precise terminology) as key factors that affect human performance. (see also desire, environment, knowledge, opportunity, and skills.)

A) Information Architecture
B) Semantical Differential
C) Human Performance Models
D) Countermeasure Matrix

2. Used by performance improvement, is driven by a business need; ensures that the performance need justifies the business need.

A) Phillips ROI Methodology
B) Quantitative Analysis
C) Semantical Differential
D) Results-Based Approach

3. A process in the strategic planning process that determines an organization's strengths and weaknesses (internal) and opportunities and threats (external); also known as a swot analysis.

A) Environmental Analysis
B) Nominal Data
C) Criterion-Referenced
D) Randomization

4. Information that has been documented and can be readily accessed and verbalize d.

A) Disengagement
B) Evaluative Feedback
C) Disidentification
D) Explicit Knowledge

5. A five-step data-driven improvement process used for reduction of defects, process improvement, and customer satisfaction; the core tool used to lead six sigma projects.

A) Training Transfer Evaluation
B) Desire
C) Randomization
D) Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) Methodology

1. Right Answer: C
Explanation: You can write comment

2. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

3. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment

4. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

5. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment



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