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[CPLP] Human Resources Certification Exam Questions - Part 132

Jenny Clarke

Sat, 25 Jan 2025

1. A method of selecting options (data points, people, documents) from a statistical population ensuring that every choice has a definite probability of being chosen.

A) Gantt Chart
B) Experimental Design
C) Nominal Data
D) Random Sampling

2. A specialized version of a data warehouse that provides insight into operational data, such as trends that enable management to make strategic decisions. Data warehouses hold large amounts of detailed information on many subjects; data marts often hold summarized information on a single subject.

A) Variance
B) Knowledge Mapping
C) Leadership Development
D) Data Mart

3. Cultural theory based on the idea that all humans experience problems in their relationships relative to others, time, and/or the environment.

A) Talent Management Analytics
B) Opportunity-Centered
C) PERT Chart
D) Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner Cultural Model

4. A thought process model that describes the stages that individuals go through, usually without realizing it, to get from a fact to a decision or action. The thinking stages can be seen as rungs on a ladder on which individuals select certain aspects of events that they introduce into their thinking, feeling, and interactions.

A) Standard Deviation
B) Assessment Center
C) Ladder of Inference
D) Measures of Variance

5. A performance improvement model that begins with an operational analysis that identifies the organization's vision, mission, values, goals, and strategies; the phases of the HPT model are performance analysis, cause analysis, solution selection and design, solution implementation , and evaluation.

A) International Society for Performance Improvement's (ISPl's) HPT Model
B) Kinesthetic Modality
C) Kouzes and Posner
D) Driving Forces

1. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

2. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

3. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

4. Right Answer: C
Explanation: You can write comment

5. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment



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