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[CPLP] Human Resources Certification Exam Questions - Part 134

Jenny Clarke

Sat, 25 Jan 2025

1. A results-based, systematic process used to identify performance problems, analyze root causes, select and design solutions, manage solutions in the workplace, measure results, and continually improve performance in an organization.

A) ATD HPI Model
B) Mager, Robert
C) Knowledge Mapping
D) Learning Objects

2. A framework developed by Patricia Cross to describe why adults participate in learning. Cross synthesized research about motivations and deter rents to adult learning, incorporating assumptions of andragogy into the framework as a means for considering the changing adult developmental stages.

A) Tactile Modality
B) Instructional Methods
C) Characteristics of Adult Learners (CAL)
D) Project Life Cycle

3. A theory of instruction that matches individual needs to appropriate instructional experiences. It is based on developmentalism, an adult learning theory also known as transformative learning, which occurs when individuals critically reflect on their environment. Through intense reflection, they transform their thinking and view of the world. Opportunity centered instruction is useful for helping employees adapt to changes in their work lives.

A) Ladder of Inference
B) Open Space Technology
C) Opportunity-Centered
D) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

4. The 'B' of the A-B-C-D model.

A) Condition
B) Delivery
C) Median
D) Behavior

5. One that continuously interacts with its environment. In organizations, an open system is said to allow people to learn from and influence one another because of their interconnectedness and interdependence within the system.

A) Open System
B) Complex Systems
C) Perceptual Modality
D) Performance Agreement Principle

1. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment

2. Right Answer: C
Explanation: You can write comment

3. Right Answer: C
Explanation: You can write comment

4. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

5. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment



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