1. is one component of a succession planning system, which builds on the identification of successors and addresses employee mobility with regard to various positions.
A) Business Awareness B) Accelerated Learning C) Human Resource Audit D) Rapid Instructional Design (RID)
2. is software technology for delivering online courses or training to learners while performing learning management functions such as creating course catalogs, keeping track of learners' progress and performance across all types of training, and generating reports. An LMS is not used to create course content. That work is performed using an LCMS.
A) VAK Model B) Learning Management System (LMS) C) Phillips, Jack and Phillips, Patricia D) Content Management System (CMS)
3. refers to using resources or products external to an organization to meet its learning requirements.
A) Outsourcing Training B) Root Cause Analysis C) Synchronous Training D) Personality Test
4. is a theory of human motivation about work developed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s. It assumes that employees are inherently lazy, dislike work, and will avoid it if they can. Belief in Theory X leads to close supervision and tight control of employees by their managers.
A) Theory X B) Correlation C) Schein's Career Anchors Theory D) Chat Room
5. popularized by Howard Gardner in Frames of Mind (1985), describes how intelligences reflect how people prefer to process information. Gardner believes that most people are comfortable in three to four of these intelligences and avoid the others. For example, for learners who are not comfortable working with others, doing group case studies may interfere with their ability to process new material.
A) Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) B) Theory X C) Multiple Intelligence Theory D) Schein's Career Anchors Theory
1. Right Answer: C Explanation: You can write comment
2. Right Answer: B Explanation: You can write comment
3. Right Answer: A Explanation: You can write comment
4. Right Answer: A Explanation: You can write comment
5. Right Answer: C Explanation: You can write comment
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