1. are three statistical averages: mean (the average of a group of numbers), median (the middle of a distribution where half the numbers are above the median and half are below), and mode (the most frequently occurring value in a group of numbers).
A) Dichotomous Variable
B) Measures of Central Tendency
C) Chain of Response (COR)
D) Web-Based Training (WBT)
2. is the art or practice of teaching and often refers to teaching children. Pedagogy focuses on the skills teachers use to impart knowledge and emphasizes the role of the teacher. It is contrasted with andragogy, the teaching of adults. In andragogy the focus is on the learner who is assumed to be self-directed and motivated to learn in order to perform a task. (See also Andragogy.)
A) Median
B) E-Learning
C) Pedagogy
D) Plug-in
3. is an approach that ensures that participants are actively involved in the learning process. Active learning is based on cooperative learning, in which participants learn from each other in pairs or small groups. Some examples of active training include group discussions, games, simulations, and role plays.
A) Active Training
B) Experimental Design
C) Needs Analysis
D) Business Analysis
4. are tests of hardware or software conducted with real data. If the outputs of the test do not match the specifications, errors are identified and corrected.
A) Mean Score
B) Instructional Designer
C) Job Descriptions
D) System Tests
5. was first developed by the U.S. Army to allow individuals to learn for themselves after an action what happened, why, and how to improve performance.
A) Knowles, Malcolm
B) After Action Review (AAR)
C) Continuous Variable
D) Harless's Front-End Analysis Model
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