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[CPLP] Human Resources Certification Exam Questions - Part 78

Jenny Clarke

Sat, 25 Jan 2025

1. The extent to which an assessment can predict or agree with external constructs, determined by looking at the correlation between the instrument and the criterion measure.

A) Criterion Validity
B) Critical Path Method (CPM)
C) Random Selection
D) Systems Thinking

2. A summary statement that highlights a person's work history, skills, and competencies.

A) Process Controls
B) Career Profile
C) Likert Scale
D) Events Network

3. The middle of a distribution arranged by magnitude; half the numbers are above the median, and half are below the median.

A) Andragogy
B) Degree
C) PERT Chart
D) Median

4. A career development theory developed by D.E. Super based on the idea that careers move through five phases from childhood through adulthood: 1) Growth, 2) Exploratory, 3) Establishment, 4) Maintenance, 5) Decline.

A) Super Developmental Framework
B) Complex Systems
C) A-B-C-D Objectives
D) Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory

5. The examination of non-measurable data such as individuals' opinions, behaviors, and attributes or an organization's image, customer support, or reputation.

A) Evaluative Feedback
B) Knowledge Management (KM)
C) Qualitative Analysis
D) Criterion Validity

1. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment

2. Right Answer: B
Explanation: You can write comment

3. Right Answer: D
Explanation: You can write comment

4. Right Answer: A
Explanation: You can write comment

5. Right Answer: C
Explanation: You can write comment



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