1. The degree to which a measurement instrument (such as a test) represents the content it is supposed to measure.
A) Random Assignment
B) Random Selection
C) Knowledge Survey
D) Content Validity
2. A scientifically precise approach to career decision-making that leverages concepts from psychology.
A) Declarative Knowledge
B) Procedural Knowledge
C) Affective Objective
D) Behavioral Career Counseling
3. The practice of creating learning experiences, sometimes referred to as instructional systems development, is a systems approach to analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating any instructional experience based on the belief that training is most effective when it gives learners a clear statement of what they must be able to do as a result of training and how their performance will be evaluated.
A) Instructional Systems Design (ISO)
B) Environmental Analysis
C) Treatment (Experimental) Variable
D) Experiential Learning
4. A process that organizations use to determine candidates' suitability for a job and may include a variety of activities such as simulations, problem analysis, interviews, role-plays, written reports, and group exercises .
A) Countermeasure Matrix
B) Assessment Center
C) Flat Management Model
D) Mager, Robert
5. What influences the dependent element or variable during an experiment; example include age, seniority, gender, level of education, and others may be factors (independent variables) that influence a person 's performance (the dependent variable).
A) Concurrent Validity
B) Independent Variable
C) Experimental Design
D) Continuous Variable
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