1. Leadership style in which leaders give specific directions and ground rules for tasks.
A) Buzz Group
B) Directive Leadership
C) Kinesthetic Modality
D) After Action Review (AAR)
2. Describes training that relates to actual job circumstances and is based on the belief that training is successful only when learners can carry out learned tasks at their actual workstations. For example, a learner may be able to diagnose a mechanical problem and perform a series of repair steps in a logical, timely way during a training course. But if actual work conditions are noisy and chaotic, those conditions may need to be simulate d during training. (see also competency-based learning.)
A) Functional Context
B) Experiential Learning
C) Discovery Learning
D) Assessment Center
3. Evaluation process in which the method of evaluation is itself evaluated at each step of the development process.
A) Face Validity
B) Synthesis Model
C) Meta Evaluation
D) Flipped Classroom
4. The defined range where a set of values are expected to be within.
A) Resources
B) Forced-Choice
C) Confidence Interval
D) Attentive Listening
5. Occurs when participants are directed to view or witness an event and be prepared to share their reflections, reactions, data, or insights. Observation is also a methodology for data collection.
A) Observation
B) Pareto Analysis
C) Root Cause Analysis
D) Opportunity
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