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GPHR Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Part 29

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Complainants are interviewed to collect facts

A) Explain the intake process a complaint follows when submitted to the department of Fair Employment and housing
B) Explain what regular work assignment means in relation to an employee returning from a Worker's Compensation injury
C) Explain rest break requirements for non-exempt employees who work less than or equal to 3.5 hours
D) Explain what modified work assignment means in relation to an employee returning from a Worker's Compensation injury

2. Employee must earn more than oneand one half (1.5) times the stateminimum wage; and more than half(1/2) of the employee's compensationmust be in commissions to be exemptfrom California overtime requirements.

A) Commissioned Inside Sales Employee
B) Literacy assistance
C) New or Rehired Reports
D) California Minimum Wage Poster

3. The California Attorney Generalpermits employers to maintain________________________________for their own use, but they may notprovide them to third parties(including local police departments orother government agencies).

A) Living Wage
B) Video Event Recorders
C) Explain the two acceptable explanations for denying employment to an application/employee with a disability
D) Photos and Fingerprints

4. Unlike CFRA/FMLA, employees are___________________ as soon as theyare hired, and are certified by theirdoctor as unable to perform theessential functions of their job. Thereare no other length or hours workedrequirements.

A) Abusive Conduct
B) List the six required termination notices
C) On Call Pay
D) Eligible for PDL

5. 1) The illegality of sexual harassment2) Definition of sexual harassment under state and federal law3) Description of sexual-harassment with examples4) Legal remedies and complaint process available through the department of the fair employment and housing commission5) Directions for contacting the fair employment and housing commission6) Protection against retaliation7) Employers with five or more employees must provide at least two hours of harassment training every two years to supervisory employees8) All other employees must be provided with at least one hour of classroom or other effective training and education regarding sexual harassment every two years9) New employees must be trained within six months of hire date

A) Employers must distribute information on sexual-harassment to all employees (DFEH 185) or develop own form containing the following nine pieces of information
B) Explain the 6 requirements for a secret shopper under the PIA
C) Explain the conciliation process a complaint follows when submitted to the department of Fair Employment and housing
D) Explain the safety training requirements for employees

6. 2 to 19 employees

A) Cal-COBRA Provides benefits continuation after a qualifying event to non-government organizations in California with how many employees
B) Explain the four scenarios where a workplace injury may not be covered by workers compensation
C) All employers even those with only one employee must register with the EDD as soon as?
D) Employers must maintain a permit issued by the CA Dept of Education for each employed of minor in their files available for who to inspect?

7. Motion picture industry

A) UTSA - Uniform Trade Secrets Act
B) Asbestos Notification Act
C) Wage order #12
D) List the penalties for wage order violations

8. 'All amounts for labor performed by employees of every description, whether the amount is fixed or ascertained by the standard of time, task, piece, commission basis, or other method of calculation.'

A) Learners
B) Prevailing Wage
C) Wages
D) De Novo Appeals

9. Must be paid at least two (2) times the minimum wage in a weekly salary calculation.

A) Covered California
B) Judgement Enforcement
C) Exempt Employees
D) Adoption Process

10. Cal-COBRA would be offered for domestic partners for employers with 2 to 19 employees and would not be offered COBRA coverage from an employer with 20 or more employees

A) Explain the process a complaint follows when submitted to the department of Fair Employment and housing
B) Explain the intake process a complaint follows when submitted to the department of Fair Employment and housing
C) Explain coverage for Cal cobra and cobra in relation to California domestic partner rights and responsibilities act
D) Explain what alternative work assignment means in relation to an employee returning from a Worker's Compensation injury

1. Right Answer: A

2. Right Answer: A

3. Right Answer: D

4. Right Answer: D

5. Right Answer: A

6. Right Answer: A

7. Right Answer: C

8. Right Answer: C

9. Right Answer: C

10. Right Answer: C



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