1. Requires employers with 50 or moreemployees to provide 12 weeks ofleave for bonding with a newborn oradopted child, caring for a familymember with a serious healthcondition, and/or caring for theemployee's own serious healthcondition.
A) Bureau of Field Enforcement
B) California Family Rights Act
C) Governor's Office of Emergency Services
D) California Labor Code Section 132a
2. 1) required to be provided training about workplace hazards and worker rights2) file a formal appeal of deadlines for correction of hazards3) file a CAL/OSHA discrimination or whistleblower complaint4) file a petition to the occupational safety and health standards board for a new standard5) participate in developing new standards by joining a Cal/OSHA standards Development committee or by providing testimony to the occupational safety and health standards board at a hearing when the board is considering adopting a new standard
A) List the three types of events covered by Cal WARN
B) Explain how small employers can offer health benefits under covered California
C) Explain the employee rights under Cal/ OSHA
D) This is the five requirements of commission agreements
3. 1) Licensed private investigator if the result of investigation is the basis for discipline or firing employee or conducting an interview that might lead to termination2) California labor code section 2930 requires a mystery shopper to be a licensed private investigator if they write an investigative report for an employer3) In-house staff may contact investigations in California4) External investigators have special rules under the California Business and Professions code section 7520-7539 must be a state licensed private investigator or a state licensed attorney5) HR consultants who are not licensed attorneys or private investigators cannot legally conduct such investigations6) In-house HR practitioners trained in investigations may conduct investigations
A) Explain the four provisions of California's make up time
B) Explain the working limit provisions when employing minors ages 16-17 when school is in session
C) Explain a type III threat under a workplace security program
D) Explain the 6 requirements for a secret shopper under the PIA
4. California employers are also requiredto provide at time of hire that liststheir rate(s) of pay and employerinformation.
A) Explain what reporting time pay is
B) Pregnancy, Childbirth or Related Medical Condition
C) For Your Benefit Pamphlet
D) Notice to Employee Regarding Wages
5. 7 AM to 7 PM Labor Day through May 317 AM through 9 PM June 1 through Labor Day
A) What are the five requirements for a computer exemption?
B) What are the spread of hours for employing 12 to 13-year-olds
C) What are the three qualifications for outside sales person exception?
D) Explain the 4 criteria for defensible noncompete/non-solicitation agreements
6. Provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a written contract or verbal agreement.
A) Nonexempt Employees
B) IIPP - Injury and Illness Prevention Program
C) Independent Contractor
D) Lactation accommodations
7. Employers Report of Occupational Injury or illness
A) Literacy assistance
B) Form 300
C) Minimum Wage
D) Form 5020
8. Prohibits employers from paying anyemployee a wage rate that is less thana wage rate paid for equal workperformed by members of theopposite sex.
A) Wage order #7
B) Sweat Free Code of Conduct
C) California Fair Pay Act
D) Sexual Harassment is Forbidden by Law
9. If the employee is required to remainon the employer's premises or theemployee's ability to conduct personalbusiness is impacted such as theyneed to be able to report to theworkstation with thirty minutes ofreceiving a call, then they areexpected to be compensated for thistime.
A) On Call Pay
B) Tip or Gratuity
C) Protected leaves
D) Legal Unit
10. Prohibits employers with more than five employees to limit the use of languages other than English in the workplace, except where are the employer can prove a business necessity for it
A) DIR - Department of Industrial Relations
B) New Hire COBRA Notification and HIPAA Notices
C) Language translation requirements and limitations
D) What are the spread of hours for employing 16-17 year olds
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