1. A client is in active labor and has been admitted to the labor and delivery unit. The RN has just done a sterile vaginal exam and determines that the client is dilated5 cm, effaced 85%, and the fetuss head is at 0 station. She asks if she could have a lumbar epidural now. The epidural is started, and the anesthetic agent used is bupivacaine (Marcaine). After the client has received her lumbar epidural, it is important for the RN to monitor her for which of the following side effects:
A) Hypertension
B) Hypotension
C) Hypoglycemia
D) Hyperglycemia
2. A client has been in labor for 10 hours. Her contractions have become hypoactive and slowed in duration. The fetus is at 0 station, cervix is dilated 8 cm and effaced 90%. The physician orders an oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion to be started at once. The RN begins the oxytocin infusion. It is important that the RN discontinue the infusion if which one of the following occur?
A) The client - s contractions are <2 minutes apart.
B) Duration of the contractions are 60 seconds.
C) The uterus relaxes between contractions.
D) The client complains that she is tired.
3. The client has been in active labor for the last 12 hours. During the last 3 hours, labor has been augmented with oxytocin because of hypoactive uterine contractions. Her physician assesses her cervix as 95% effaced, 8 cm dilated, and the fetus is at 0 station. Her oral temperature is 100.2F at this time. The physician orders that she be prepared for a cesarean delivery. In preparing the client for the cesarean delivery, which one of the following physicians orders should the RN question?
A) Administer meperidine (Demerol) 100 mg IM 1 hour prior to the delivery.
B) Discontinue the oxytocin infusion.
C) Insert an indwelling Foley catheter prior to delivery.
D) Prepare abdominal area from below the nipples to below the symphysis pubis area.
4. After an infant is delivered by cesarean delivery and placed on the warmer, the RN dries and assesses the infant. At 1 and 5 minutes after birth, the RN does theApgar scoring of the infant. The RN knows that because this infant was delivered by cesarean section, he is at increased risk for having which one of the following:
A) Cold stress
B) Cyanosis
C) Respiratory distress syndrome
D) Seizures
5. After the RN is finished the initial assessment of a newborn baby and after the initial bonding between the newborn and the mother has taken place in the delivery room, the RN will bring the newborn to the well-baby nursery. Before the newborn is taken from the delivery room and brought to the well-baby nursery, the RN makes sure that which of the following interventions was completed?
A) The physician verifies the exact time of birth.
B) The nurse counts the instruments and sponges with the scrub nurse.
C) The nurse instills prophylactic ointment in the conjunctival sacs of the newborn - s eyes.
D) The nurse makes sure the mother and her newborn have been tagged with identical bands.
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