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NCLEX-RN Exam Questions - Part 7

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Nursing care for the substance abuse client experiencing alcohol withdrawal delirium includes:

A) Maintaining seizure precautions
B) Restricting fluid intake
C) Increasing sensory stimuli
D) Applying ankle and wrist restraints

2. A client confides to the nurse that he tasted poison in his evening meal. This would be an example of what type of hallucination?

A) Auditory
B) Gustatory
C) Olfactory
D) Visceral

3. Hypoxia is the primary problem related to near-drowning victims. The first organ that sustains irreversible damage after submersion in water is the:

A) Kidney (urinary system)
B) Brain (nervous system)
C) Heart (circulatory system)
D) Lungs (respiratory system)

4. An 8-year-old child comes to the physician - s office complaining of swelling and pain in the knees. His mother says, 'The swelling occurred for no reason, and it keeps getting worse.' The initial diagnosis is Lyme disease. When talking to the mother and child, questions related to which of the following would be important to include in the initial history?

A) A decreased urinary output and flank pain
B) A fever of over 103F occurring over the last 2 - 3 weeks
C) Rashes covering the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
D) Headaches, malaise, or sore throat

5. The most commonly known vectors of Lyme disease are:

A) Mites
B) Fleas
C) Ticks
D) Mosquitoes

1. Right Answer: A
Explanation: (A) These clients are at high risk for seizures during the 1st week after cessation of alcohol intake. (B) Fluid intake should be increased to prevent dehydration. (C)Environmental stimuli should be decreased to prevent precipitation of seizures. (D) Application of restraints may cause the client to increase his or her physical activity and may eventually lead to exhaustion.

2. Right Answer: B
Explanation: (A) Auditory hallucinations involve sensory perceptions of hearing. (B) Gustatory hallucinations involve sensory perceptions of taste. (C) Olfactory hallucinations involve sensory perceptions of smell. (D) Visceral hallucinations involve sensory perceptions of sensation.

3. Right Answer: B
Explanation: (A) The kidney can survive after 30 minutes of water submersion. (B) The cerebral neurons sustain irreversible damage after 46 minutes of water submersion.(C) The heart can survive up to 30 minutes of water submersion. (D) The lungs can survive up to 30 minutes of water submersion.

4. Right Answer: D
Explanation: (A) Urinary tract symptoms are not commonly associated with Lyme disease. (B) A fever of 103F is not characteristic of Lyme disease. (C) The rash that is associated with Lyme diseasedoes not appear on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. (D) Classic symptoms of Lyme disease include headache, malaise, fatigue, anorexia, stiff neck, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, conjunctivitis, sore throat, abdominal pain, and cough.

5. Right Answer: C
Explanation: (A) Mites are not the common vector of Lyme disease. (B) Fleas are not the common vector of Lyme disease. (C) Ticks are the common vector of Lyme disease.(D) Mosquitoes are not the common vector of Lyme disease.



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