1. Employers pay one hour at regular rate for each workday without rest or meal periods
A) What do employers pay for each workday without rest for meal periods?
B) List the employee information that is required by the employment development Department
C) The burden of proof that it employee is exempt falls on who?
D) The first twelve (12) months of birth or placement
2. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) is commonly (although incorrectly) referred to as Cal/OSHA. DOSH sets the standards for workplace safety in California.
A) Notice to Employee Regarding Wages
B) Farm Labor Contractors Licensed by the DLSE Poster
C) DOSH - Division of Occupational Safety and Health
D) DIR - Department of Industrial Relations
3. Advises new hires of their right tocontinue health care from theirprevious employer and their right toprivacy regarding personally identifiablehealth information.
A) California Occupational Safety and Standards Board
B) New Hire COBRA Notification and HIPAA Notices
C) Twelve Weeks of Unpaid Job Protected Leave
D) List the employer information that is required by the employment development Department
4. 1) Vacation is an accrued benefit and is considered wages2) all earned but unused vacation accruals must be paid out at time of termination3) earned vacation cannot be taken away from the employee
A) Explain the requirements for having to compensate 'on-call' time
B) What are the three qualifications for outside sales person exception?
C) Explain the safety training requirements for supervisors
D) Explain the 3 restrictions employers need to follow when offering vacation or paid time off
5. Enforces judgements for unpaidwages and penalties.
A) Time off to Vote Poster
B) Nonexempt Employees
C) Notice to Employees - UI, SDI, PFL
D) Judgement Enforcement
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