1. Laundry, Linen Supply, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Industry
A) Wage Order 9 B) Wage Order 1 C) Wage Order 8 D) Wage Order 6
2. Licensed farm labor contractors must display pay rates prominently where work is to be performed and on all vehicles used by the licensee for transportation of employee.
A) For Your Benefit Pamphlet B) Not Reason for Disability Discrimination C) Farm Labor contractors License by the DLSE Poster D) Division of Occupational Safety and Health
3. This form is to be sent to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) if the employee claims more than 10 withholding allowances or the employee claims to be exempt from state or federal income tax withholding.
A) Notice to Employee on Withholdings B) Not Reason for Disability Discrimination C) Prohibited Employment Practices D) 12 weeks of Unpaid Job Protected Leave
4. Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illness must be posted no later than February 1 until April 30th.
A) Social Security Number B) 2 week increments C) Form 300A D) Covered California
5. High Hazard, Non-High Hazard, Employers with intermittent Workers.
A) Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee B) Department of Labor Standards Enforcement C) The 3 model Workplace injury and illness prevention models D) Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and your health coverage
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