1. What action would best support a group creativity session?
A) Make a list of rebuttals for concerns that will likely be raised.
B) Start thinking of responses only after listening to what each person has to say.
C) Think of possible responses to facilitate smooth transitions as others speak.
D) Generate a conscious idea of what the various contributors will likely say.
2. Communicating Strategically Which is the best reason to use social media channels for corporate communication?
A) Social media channels provide instantaneous feedback to leaders about employee responses.
B) Social media confer more credibility to the corporate message.
C) Social media channels provide more control over the corporate image.
D) Social media are accepted and used universally by all employees.
3. What would make for the most effective presentation to senior management to ask for the purchase of HRIS technology?
A) Detailed presentation that shows proofs for all points
B) Glossy presentation that states only what the customer wants to hear
C) Bold presentation that glosses over negative points
D) Dynamic presentation that focuses only on key points
4. A company has developed a new performance evaluation tool that it plans to roll out within the next couple of months. Which stakeholder group should HR recommend to explain the detailed change to the employees?
A) HR function, since they were instrumental in developing the new tool
B) Consulting firm, since there will most likely be resistance to this change
C) Managers, since they will be implementing and sustaining the changes
D) Organization's senior leaders, since this is a company-wide change
5. Refer to the following scenario for the next 4 questions. A company sends a team of employees and one field supervisor to a customer's location for a week. Employees stay in hotel rooms, two employees per room, and receive a daily meal allowance that allows the purchase of one alcoholic beverage. At dinner one evening, the employees have a few alcoholic beverages, and then they return to the hotel, where one employee passes out in the parking lot. The other employees call an ambulance, and emergency personnel ask if the unconscious employee takes any medication. The employee who shares a room with the unconscious employee goes to the room and finds the employee's medication bottles. No one rides in the ambulance or follows it to the hospital. The field supervisor calls HR to report the incident. The HR manager asks if the employee's spouse has been called and which hospital the employee was admitted to. No one knows where the employee has been taken, nor has the employee been in contact with anyone. The field supervisor locates the employee, who is in serious condition. The employee remains unconscious; it is unknown if the employee will recover from the incident. Management wants to end the employment relationship with the employee. What can HR do to ensure that all employees understand the company's daily meal allowance policy?
A) A. Take no action, since it has not been determined that the employee's medical condition is related to alcohol consumption.
B) B. E-mail the company's daily meal allowance policy to all employees and direct the employees to review it.
C) C. Distribute the policy to employees and provide a venue to review it and answer questions.
D) D. Forward the policy to supervisors and rely on them to review the policy with each of their employees.
6. Which action should the HR manager take first to ensure that field supervisors are prepared to handle emergency situations in the field?
A) A. Review company emergency protocols and conduct a needs assessment to identify gaps.
B) B. Survey the field supervisors to determine their desire for training.
C) C. Recognize that emergency situations are unpredictable; therefore, training should focus on previous situations.
D) D. Identify emergency training programs and offer non-mandatory training.
7. A is the best answer. Conducting a training needs assessment is a comprehensive approach to identifying training gaps that need to be addressed to improve organizational and individual performance. B is incorrect. Surveying employees to get feedback on the type of training is one part of a needs assessment but doesn't necessary align the training needs to the organizational strategy. C is incorrect. Past emergency experiences provide great learning opportunities and should be included, but there should be several other components in an effective, comprehensive training program. D is incorrect. If training isn't mandatory, there is no assurance that employees will participate in it, thus putting the company and employees at risk of not being prepared for emergency situations Which action should HR take to ensure that supervisors act appropriately in emergency situations without fear of violating employee privacy?
A) A. Instruct supervisors to choose the best action; every situation is different, and supervisors should apply common sense to the situation.
B) B. Require the supervisors to always call HR and to avoid any discussion with emergency personnel about the employee's medical condition.
C) C. Use a collaborative approach with leaders to create and communicate a company-wide protocol that outlines steps to take in an emergency situation.
D) D. Coach the supervisors to always call emergency personnel and to avoid any discussion with emergency personnel about the employee's medical condition.
8. The leadership team wants to implement a policy that prohibits sending employees who have medical conditions out of town on business. How should HR handle this request?
A) A. Agree with the leadership team and create the policy that forbids employees with medical conditions from company travel.
B) B. Ignore the leadership team's request because it is impractical and hope that they will forget about it
C) C. Require all new hires to pass a physical exam and, if the exam isn't passed, don't allow them to travel.
D) D. Schedule a meeting with the leadership team to address their request and offer other options that are focused on the best interests of the business
9. HR issues a great deal of communications during the year. A new HR manager wants to assess whether these messages have been effective. What metric would be useful?
A) Number of hours allocated to creating messages for employees
B) Calls into HR's help desk seeking further information or offering feedback
C) High levels of engagement throughout the organization
D) Number and volume of messages delivered to employees
10. Top management recently agreed on major organizational changes. HR has been tasked with developing a plan for communicating the changes to the employees. Which is the most effective way to communicate the changes?
A) Make one company-wide presentation so the changes are communicated consistently.
B) Capitalize on social trends by using social media so everyone is aware of the changes.
C) Charge department heads with communicating the changes to demonstrate their support.
D) Use multiple channels of communication so the changes are shared in many ways
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