1. According to the Hersey-Blanchard theory, which is generally the most suitable situational leadership approach for entry-level employees?
A) Delegating
B) Selling
C) Telling
D) Participating
2. What leadership theory is characterized by the belief that managers must use different leadership styles depending on the circumstances?
A) Trait theory
B) Behavioral theory
C) Motivational theory
D) Situational leadership theory
3. Refer to the following scenario for the next 3 questions. A vice president (VP) of HR has responsibility for multiple manufacturing sites and is responsible for teams of HR managers and generalists that support each location. All locations operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. These teams cover all shifts, providing support. Each location is in the process of rolling out updated policies, including enhancements to the company's progressive disciplinary process and an ethics policy that focuses on commitment to mutual respect, ethical decision making, and integrity. One day, after the VP of HR has left her office, she receives a call from a site HR generalist. The generalist tells the VP that when he returned from his dinner break, the HR office appeared to have been ransacked. Books were thrown on the floor, and name tags were torn off doors and thrown into the trash. The generalist also reports that when security checked the cameras, they reached the conclusion that the site HR manager had done the damage and then had left the facility. The VP knows that the site HR manager has a volatile personality and has been counseled about it previously. The VP also has recently discovered that the manager has been drinking routinely after work and wonders if the ransacking of the office occurred when the manager returned to the office after a drinking session. What is the first step the VP should take before proceeding to the factory?
A) A. Call the HR manager to discuss the incident, conveying concern that this behavior is inconsistent with the organization's values and policies.
B) B. Call security to notify them of her pending arrival and request to meet to review the surveillance coverage.
C) C. Call the local police to request their presence at the site to bring forward charges of property destruction against the manager.
D) D. Call the site general manager to inform him of the situation, advising that the HR manager will be terminated.
4. What steps should the VP of HR take to address the condition of the HR office? D is incorrect. There is no need to create disruption and potential productivity issues in the factory by bringing more people in to witness the mess.
A) A. Work with the second shift HR generalist to clean up the damage and destruction of the HR office.
B) B. Leave the office as is so everyone can see it when they arrive the next day.
C) C. Demand that the HR manager return and clean up the HR area.
D) D. Request employees from the site and ask for their help with cleaning up the office.
5. The following day, members of the HR team separately contact the HR VP with concerns about the incident. Which action should the VP take address the concerns of the HR team?
A) A. Ask the HR team to document their concerns to share with the site general manager.
B) B. Bring the HR team together and ask the site HR manager to apologize to the team.
C) C. Request that they schedule time to discuss their concerns directly, one-on-one, with the HR manager.
D) D. Meet with the HR team as a group, discussing what happened and listening to concerns they have.
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