1. Which of the following is NOT a common form of compensation that is provided primarily to only executives?
A) workforce plan B) Have senior management meet to discuss and decide on the future vision for the company C) Generational differences D) Scanlon Plan
2. Which of the following is a shared characteristic of all four levels of learning, as identified by Kirkpatrick?
A) Duty of loyalty B) mission statement C) Eliminating coinsurance payments D) questioning
3. An HR manager who learns of a high incidence of cumulative trauma disorders among data entry personnel would MOST likely employ the services of an
A) ergonomist. B) predictive C) Mentoring D) There is no cap on the maximum salary a superior performer can receive
4. Which of the following groups together jobs having the same relative internal worth?
A) Project management B) Pay grades C) Performance-based D) Data is collected.
5. Which leadership theory maintains that performance depends on the interaction between situation favorableness and leadership style?
A) questioning B) Contingency C) Polycentric D) Patterned
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