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SPHRI Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 21

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Which of the following incidents would NOT be considered a wrongful termination?

A) Appointing a dedicated communications team to ensure adequate and timely ongoing communications for all involved
B) Mandy complained about her workload on a daily basis to her supervisor and anyone else who would listen to her.
C) Pay grades
D) A manager is discussing a performance improvement plan with an employee when the employee quits in the middle of the discussion.

2. As far as HR is concerned the search for vertical and horizontal integration is a key driver in the attempt to become 'more strategic'. Horizontal integration means:

A) That different activities and initiatives need to mutually supportive and designed in a holistic way
B) measuring development and perofrmance
C) Reasons for rejection can be specified easier than reasons for acceptance.
D) Understand the risks associated with the acquisition.

3. You are asked to build a competency model for an accounts payable clerk at a small start-up company. Which of the following competencies would be considered essential in this environment but would not be essential in an equivalent position in a large company?

A) Understands complex interrelationships
B) Consumer price index data
C) Require present workers to work overtime
D) Understanding how organization's policies can adapt to certain country's cultural environment.

4. Which of the following is a characteristic of 'evolutionary change' for an organization?

A) Involves incremental adjustments
B) Respond to new deregulation
C) Good communication
D) Correlational study

5. customer service problems

A) Conduct a series of focus groups with customer service representatives.
B) How did you handle a productivity problem?
C) enabling the company to produce a wider variety of products.
D) Suggested actions and practices for acquiring HR competencies.

1. Right Answer: D

2. Right Answer: A

3. Right Answer: A

4. Right Answer: A

5. Right Answer: A

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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