1. Due to changing customer needs, a 25-year-old company plans to cut 60% of its capacity and invest heavily in leading-edge technology. This will mean a major revamping of procedures, which will affect over 75% of employees. Management can improve acceptance of these changes by:
A) Involve employees in developing and implementing a corporate ethics program.
B) Inform the employee in writing that any further violation will lead to immediate dismissal.
C) Discussing alternative plans and gauging reactions
D) involving all employees in building alignment between employee behaviors and organizational mission.
2. The major causes of expatriates early withdrawal is
A) family.
B) ident development opportunities
C) tax and visa
D) family
3. Which of the following is a preventive measure to mitigate disciplinary problems?
A) Lack of aptitude
B) Set clear expectations
C) Scatter diagram
D) Minimizes adverse selection
4. Parachutes are usually written into contracts of key executives to
A) Concurrent
B) provide protection in the event of a merger or acquisition.
C) Check when the data was gathered.
D) Defined benefit plan
5. What is a disadvantage of divisional departmentalization?
A) Increased predictive validity
B) Ask the employee write some sort of rebuttal
C) It does not treat its foreign sites with autonomy.
D) missed improvements in other areas
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