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SPHRI Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 86

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Which of the following strategies is NOT a strategy that would be deliberated during the strategy development phase of the strategic planning process in a recession market?

A) Plan to expand the capability of the R&D team to add value added skills and knowledge to the company
B) Scanlon Plan
C) New products and services being deployed as part of the organization's competitive strategy.
D) A plan in which an employee earns a number of shares of stock that are subject to forfeiture if performance goals are not met is known as

2. What are the benefits of outplacement services for displaced employees? Please choose Three.

A) Reasons for rejection can be specified easier than reasons for acceptance.
B) a) Build self-esteemb) Help in finding and obtaining a new jobf) Provides training opportunity
C) A collective and representative opinion will naturally emerge during a focus group.
D) measuring development and perofrmance

3. What role do high potential employees have in succession planning and management?

A) These employees, who were proactively identified as potential successors, participate in people development initiatives to acquire the necessary competencies
B) Scanlon Plan
C) Stock appreciation rights
D) Check when the data was gathered.

4. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of trend analysis for an HR professional?

A) Understanding how organization's policies can adapt to certain country's cultural environment.
B) The coach should become fully versed on coaching methods before starting the process.
C) Creating, acquiring, sharing and managing knowledge to augment individual and organizational performance
D) Participating in a crisis management simulation

5. A three-year-old company has achieved excellent results through perceptive market timing and aggressive marketing. Which of the following is a reason for the company's success?

A) Questionnaire followed by interview
B) HR as a culture and change steward.
C) ) A successful differentiation strategy
D) examining the reward and recognition system.

1. Right Answer: A

2. Right Answer: B

3. Right Answer: A

4. Right Answer: A

5. Right Answer: C

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