1. A linear scale used in data collection to rate statements and attitude s; respondents receive a definition of a scale from 1to 5 or 1 to 10 or some other scale.
A) Mager, Robert B) PERT Chart C) Effect Size D) Likert Scale
2. Type of communication synthesis model that involves data in rows and columns.
A) Two-axis Matrix B) Reliability C) Reflection D) Process Controls
3. A graphical Project Management tool for planning and documenting project deliverables.
A) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) B) Passive Listening C) Multiple Regression Analysis D) Interrelationship Digraphs
4. Post-industrial management theory that emphasizes a leader's duty to serve his or her followers.
A) Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) B) Significance Testing C) Servant Leadership D) Inferential Statistics
5. A process to ensure the continuity of key leadership positions and the stability of tenure of an organization's personnel ; unlike succession planning, it assumes the organizational chart will remain unchanged and lists individuals as back up for each position.
A) Open Space Technology B) Leadership Development C) Replacement Planning D) Population Analysis
1. Right Answer: D Explanation: You can write comment
2. Right Answer: A Explanation: You can write comment
3. Right Answer: A Explanation: You can write comment
4. Right Answer: C Explanation: You can write comment
5. Right Answer: C Explanation: You can write comment
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