1. Developed a framework of leadership, determining that a leader must: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart.
A) Driving Forces
B) Plan, Do Check, Act
C) Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
D) Kouzes and Posner
2. A results-based, systematic process used to identify performance problems, analyze root causes, select and design actions, manage solutions in the workplace, measure results, and continually improve performance in an organization. It is based on open systems theory, or the view that any organization is a system that absorbs environment al inputs, uses them in transformational processes , and produces outputs.
A) Replacement Planning
B) Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP)
C) Human Resource Audit
D) Human Performance Improvement (HPI)
3. A measure in which the data points are in whole numbers, for example, number of children or the number of defects cannot be in fractions.
A) Interval Variable
B) Discrete Variable
C) Content Validity
D) Disorientation
4. Was developed by J. Robert Hanson and Harvey F. Silver by adapting the Myers-Brigg s type indicator to create four distinct learning intake modalities: sensing-thinking (st), intuitive-thinking (n t), sensing-feeling (sf), and intuitive-feeling (nf).
A) Feedback
B) Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory
C) Plan, Do Check, Act
D) Kinesthetic Modality
5. Forces that help implement an organizational change. Defined by Kurt Lewin.
A) Supportive Leadership
B) Instructional Methods
C) Driving Forces
D) Affective State
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