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NCLEX-PN Exam Questions - Part 60

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. A client with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia has been released from an acute care setting. The client had a prolonged recovery from relapse. One of the parents says to the discharge nurse, 'I do not understand what is going on. The hospital said she was better, but all she does is sit around all day and smoke. We cannot get her to go to the vocational training you arranged.' The nurse recognizes that more teaching is needed about:

A) the pathophysiology and acting out behaviors of schizophrenia.
B) support groups that can help the parents release their feelings of frustration.
C) the prolonged recovery time and depressive effects of medicines to prevent relapse.
D) motivational techniques that are effective in clients with schizophrenia.

2. A nurse is teaching a group of clients with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia who are nearing discharge from a residential care facility. An essential topic to include is:

A) pathophysiology of the disease and expected symptoms.
B) how to recognize and manage symptoms of relapse.
C) the need to take extra medication when feeling stressed.
D) the importance of contact with follow-up care daily.

3. An adolescent female reports being raped at a party where alcohol was served. The client admits to drinking alcohol before being raped by an acquaintance. The nurse should:

A) inform the client that because she is underage, she is at fault for attending a party where alcohol was served.
B) ask the client if anyone witnessed the event because the client was intoxicated and might not remember correctly.
C) inform the client that it was not her fault, and support the client through the physical examination.
D) question whether the woman had consensual sex and now just feels guilty.

4. The nurse and a colleague are on the elevator after their shift, and they hear a group of health caregivers discussing a recent client scenario. Which client right might be breached?

A) right to refuse treatment
B) right to continuity of care
C) right to confidentiality
D) right to reasonable responses to requests

5. The power a nurse exerts when he or she works to accomplish goals and effect change in an agency or in policy is considered what type of power?

A) political
B) personal
C) positional
D) professional

1. Right Answer: C
Explanation: The nurse conducting discharge teaching must stress the lengthy recuperation process with emphasis on the sedative qualities of the medication used to prevent relapse. Support groups are useful for caregivers. The emphasis during recuperation is on maintaining nutrition and hygiene. Psychosocial Integrity

2. Right Answer: B
Explanation: Clients are usually aware of the symptoms that indicate relapse is occurring. The client needs to know how to find a safe environment and to seek help. The first two stages of relapse are more difficult to recognize because they do not present symptoms that indicate psychosis. Initially, the client feels anxious and overwhelmed, and might become withdrawn. This is the crucial period to intervene. The client needs to go to a safe environment with someone who is trusted, avoid negative people, and decrease stimuli and stress. Psychosocial Integrity

3. Right Answer: C
Explanation: Acquaintance rape remains a controversial topic because of lack of agreement on the definition of consent. Most acquaintance rapes take place in either the victims or the assailants home or apartment. Most victims of acquaintance rape inform someone close to them, but less than 30% report the incidence to the authorities. Survivors of acquaintance rape report similar levels of depression, anxiety, complications in subsequent relationships, and difficulty attaining prerape levels of sexual satisfaction to what survivors of stranger rape report. Coping is more difficult for victims of acquaintance rape if others fail to recognize that the emotional impact is just as serious. Psychosocial Integrity

4. Right Answer: C
Explanation: The right to confidentiality of client information might be breached when client care situations are discussed in public areas or without regard to maintaining the information as private and confidential. The other rights listed have not been breached in this instance. Coordinated Care

5. Right Answer: A
Explanation: Political power results from ones ability to work within systems, agencies, or through policy to affect change. Personal power is based on ones charisma and self- confidence and is often found in informal leadership situations. Positional power is based on designated authority in a legitimized position within which the power is exercised. Professional power is based on ones professional skills and abilities resulting from ones recognized expertise in an area of practice. CoordinatedCare



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