1. Michael Porter's five forces analysis evaluates these five forces?
A) period of 2 years from the date of creating the record or the record requiring a personnel action, whichever occurs later B) Political/Legal , Social, Economic, Technology and Competition. C) Federal, private and public employers w/ 15 or more employee's D) TRUE
2. ________ are long term, and _________ are short term.
A) Health Savings Account (HSA) B) Goals and Objectives C) Green Circle Rate D) Yellow Dog Contract
3. __________ · is an interview where the employee is interviewed by his or her manager's manager.
A) Green Circle Rate B) Pay Compression C) Skip Level D) Hot Cargo
4. What is a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) to work policy
A) The Affordable Care Act B) An organizational policy that describes expectations and protocols for using personal devices in the workplace C) enterprise resource planning (ERP) system D) Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
5. How does HR bring value to an organization?
A) If has been agreed upon in writing by both the employee and employer. B) when the interviewer makes a conclusion based on one negative trait C) When HR professionals are knowledgeable about all parts of the business. D) employers that employ 50 or more full-time employees on average.
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