1. All employees must receive from theiremployer a copy of this DFEHpamphlet or an equivalent documentupon hire and a copy of theemployer's antiharassmentpolicy.
A) Essential Function of the Job
B) Private attorneys general act (PAGA)
C) Wage order #8
D) Sexual Harassment is Forbidden by Law
2. Sets and enforces rules for wages,deductions, vacation, jury/witnessduty, meal and rest periods, temporarymilitary leave, the workweek, minors,employee access to personnel files,discrimination, exempt status,independent contractors and more.
A) Cal/OSHA Appeals Board
B) California Labor Commissioner
C) Reporting Time Pay
D) Explain what a split shift is
3. Employees are responsible for the entire cost, up to 102% Of the group rate under COBRA. For Cal-COBRA the cost may range from 110% to 150% of the group rate
A) What is the employees entire cost for cobra and for Cal cobra
B) What are the six exemption classifications?
C) Explain the requirements for having to compensate 'on-call' time
D) The first twelve (12) months of birth or placement
4. 1) domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking victims leave: medical treatment2) military spouse leave3) school activities leave4) voluntary drug or alcohol rehabilitation
A) What is the necessary compensation when requiring an employee to work a split shift?
B) List the repeat regulatory violations concerning a reporting requirement penalties for not complying with California's workplace safety laws
C) List the types of protective leaves under California law for employers with at least 25 employees
D) Explain the four scenarios where different leaves may run concurrently or consecutively
5. Workplace violence caused by an individual who has some employment related involvement with the workplace. This type of event usually involves a threat or physical act of violence by a current or former worker, supervisor or manager, current or former spouse or lover, a relative or friend or some person who has a dispute involving a worker of the workplace
A) Explain the safety training requirements for employees
B) Explain what modified work assignment means in relation to an employee returning from a Worker's Compensation injury
C) Explain the investigation process a complaint follows when submitted to the department of Fair Employment and housing
D) Explain a type III threat under a workplace security program
6. Employers are prohibited from having policies that restrict the ability of their employees from discussing wages
A) Department of Labor Standards Enforcement
B) Discussion of employee wages
C) Ski Establishment
D) Work Permit
7. High Hazard, Non-HIgh Hazard, Employers with Intermittent Workers
A) Explain the working limit provisions when employing minors ages 12-13 when school is in session
B) The 3 Model Workplace Injury and Illness Prevention Models
C) What are the four Qualifications for administrative exemption
D) List the employee information that is required by the employment development Department
8. Under FEHA, employers are prohibited from making an employment decision or taking adverse action against any employee or job applicant because of a protected status of that individual.
A) Workers' Compensation Pamphlet
B) Twelve Weeks of Unpaid Job Protected Leave
C) Prohibited Employment Practices
D) Protected leaves
9. 1) California election code section 14000 - all employers are required to allow their employees the opportunity to take time off to vote in statewide elections2) if there is sufficient time outside of their scheduled work time to vote, then no additional time off as required3) employees can take as much time as needed to vote but only two hours is paid4) employers may require employees to give advance notice - at least two days prior to a statewide election5) employers. Can require time off to be taken at the beginning or end of the employees shift6) employers are required to notify their employees of this right by posting the required voting notice at least 10 days prior to the statewide election
A) Explain the employee rights under Cal/ OSHA
B) Explain the 6 provisions for providing time off to vote
C) Explain the employer's 5 obligations pertaining to sexual harassment prevention
10. 1) Duties generally involve the management of the organization2) Regularly directs the work of two or more employees3) Hires/fires or who's suggestions are used to hire/fire4) Exercise discretion and independent judgment5) Earns normal salary of at least two times the state minimum-wage
A) List the steps required to prevent potential heat illness
B) What are the spread of hours for employing 12 to 13-year-olds
C) What are the five requirements for an executive exemption?
D) This is the five requirements of commission agreements
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