1. California labor code specifies that no employer shall attempt to coerce or influence employees through or by means of threat of discharge for loss of employment to adopt or follow or refrain from adopting or following any particular politics or political activity
A) Political involvement
B) Explain the difference between the California family rights act leave and the family and medical leave act
C) Explain a type 2 threat under a workplace security program
2. As an employee's wage(s) change,California employers are required toprovide a_______________________________reflecting an employee's new rate(s) ofpay, or additional rate(s) of payprovided to the employee.
A) Change in Status Notice
B) Advance, Draw or Guarantee
C) The Whistleblower Protection Poster
D) Employment at will
3. 1) voluntary benefits offered by the employer must accrue, be considered wages, and be paid out upon termination2) Employer can limit accrual and cap it3) can allow employees to cash out and carryover from year to year4) can allow an advance of vacation or PTO, but cannot be deducted from an employee's final wages if terminated5) At termination, the vacation time will be paid at the final rate of pay,6) For commissioned employees, the rate of pay can be either an average of earning over a reasonable amount of time or a set hourly amount regardless of earnings
A) All employers even those with only one employee must register with the EDD as soon as?
B) This is the five requirements of commission agreements
C) Explain the six provisions of a legal vacation policy with regards to compensation in California
D) What are the three qualifications for outside sales person exception?
4. The employees old job, for a period of at least 12 months, paying the same wages and benefits as paid at the time of an injury and located within a reasonable commuting distance of where the employee lived at the time of the injury
A) Explain the four scenarios where a workplace injury may not be covered by workers compensation
B) Explain the working limit provisions when employing minors ages 16-17 when school is in session
C) Explain a type III threat under a workplace security program
D) Explain what regular work assignment means in relation to an employee returning from a Worker's Compensation injury
5. 5 AM to 10 PM on school days or days preceding a school day5 AM to 12:30 AM on days preceding a nonschool day
A) California presumes all employees are non-exempt what does this mean?
B) Explain the safety training requirements for supervisors
C) What are the three exemption requirements?
D) What are the spread of hours for employing 16-17 year olds
6. The worker adjustment and retraining notification (WARN) act is a federal law requiring employers to provide 60 days notice to employees when they will be affected by a plant closure or mass layoff
A) Cal WARN act
B) OPPA - Online Privacy Protection Act
D) Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations
7. California domestic partnership is a legal relationship available to all same sex couples and to those opposite sex couples where at least one party is age 62 or olderMust have the same rights, protections, and benefits, the same responsibilities, obligations and duties under law as married spouses
A) Registered domestic partners and same sex marriage
B) Prohibited Employment Practices
C) List the three types of events covered by Cal WARN
D) Farm Labor Contractors Licensed by the DLSE Poster
8. Employers should do everything in their power to allow injured employees the time off to recover from their workplace injury or illness.
A) Notice to Employees - UI, SDI, PFL
B) New or Rehired Reports
C) Workers' Compensation Leave
D) Executive Exemption
9. Deals with unemployment, statedisability, workforce investment, andlabor market information programs aswell as collects and audits payrolltaxes.
A) EDD - Employment Development Department
B) List the three wage replacement programs under California law
C) Overtime
D) Governor's Office of Emergency Services
10. Is when an employer, instead of terminating an employee, makes the working conditions for an employee so unbearable that the employee has no other option than to quit
A) Discussion of employee wages
B) Constructive discharge
C) Wage Claim Adjudication
D) HIPP Notice
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