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NCLEX-PN Exam Questions - Part 107

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Following an automobile accident that caused a head injury to an adult client, the nurse observes that the client sleeps for long periods of time. The nurse determines that the client has experienced injury to the:

A) hypothalamus.
B) thalamus.
C) cortex.
D) medulla.

2. A nursing care plan for a client with sleep problems has been implemented. All of the following should be expected outcomes except:

A) the client reports no episodes of awakening during the night.
B) the client falls asleep within 1 hour of going to bed.
C) the client reports satisfaction with his amount of sleep.
D) the client rates sleep as an 8 or more on the visual analog scale.

3. A month after receiving a blood transfusion, an immunocompromised client develops fever, liver abnormalities, a rash, and diarrhea. The nurse should suspect this client has:

A) nothing related to the blood transfusion.
B) graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
C) myelosuppression.
D) an allergic response to a recent medication.

4. An infection in a central venous access device is not eliminated by giving antibiotics through the catheter. How might bacterial glycocalyx contribute to this?

A) It protects the bacteria from antibiotic and immunologic destruction.
B) Glycocalyx neutralizes the antibiotic, rendering it ineffective.
C) It competes with the antibiotic for binding sites on the microbe.
D) Glycocalyx provides nutrients for microbial growth.

5. Chemotherapeutic agents often produce a degree of myelosuppression including leukopenia. Leukopenia does not present immediately but is delayed several days or weeks because:

A) the client - s hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal.
B) red blood cells are affected first.
C) folic acid levels are normal.
D) the current white cell count is not affected by chemotherapy.

1. Right Answer: A
Explanation: The hypothalamus, when injured, can cause fluctuations and disruptions in sleep patterns. Basic Care and Comfort

2. Right Answer: B
Explanation: An expected outcome is that the client falls asleep shortly after going to bed. The stages of sleep are defined by 4 stages. By stage 3 or 4 (within a short period of time usually 1 hour) the client is considered to be in the deep part of sleep. Basic Care and Comfort

3. Right Answer: B
Explanation: GVHD occurs when white blood cells in donor blood attack the tissues of an immunocompromised recipient. This process can occur within a month of the transfusion. Choices 1 and 4 are possible, but the nurse must remember that immunocompromised transfusion recipients are at risk for GVHD. PharmacologicalTherapies

4. Right Answer: A
Explanation: Glycocalyx is a viscous polysaccharide or polypeptide slime that covers microbes. It enhances adherence to surfaces, resists phagocytic engulfment by the white blood cells, and prevents antibiotics from contacting the microbe. Glycocalyx does not have the effects described in Choices 2, 3, and 4. PharmacologicalTherapies

5. Right Answer: D
Explanation: Time is required to clear circulating cells before the effect that chemotherapeutic drugs have on precursor cell maturation in the bone marrow becomes evident.Leukopenia is an abnormally low white blood cell count. Choices 1, 2, and 3 pertain to red blood cells. Pharmacological Therapies



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