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NCLEX-PN Exam Questions - Part 109

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. A client has a 10% dextrose in water IV solution running. He is scheduled to receive his antiepileptic drug, phenytoin (Dilantin), at this time. The nurse knows that the phenytoin:

A) is given after the D10W is finished.
B) should be given at the time it is due in the medication port closest to the client.
C) can be piggybacked into the D10W solution now.
D) is incompatible with dextrose solutions.

2. The physician wants to know if a client is tolerating his total parenteral nutrition. Which of the following laboratory tests is likely to be ordered?

A) triglyceride level
B) liver function tests
C) a glucose tolerance test
D) a complete blood count

3. When planning intervention for a client during a crisis, which of the following outcomes is most appropriate?

A) The client should explore deep psychological problems.
B) The client should express positive feelings about event.
C) The client should identify needs that are threatened by the event.
D) The client should use constructive coping mechanisms.

4. A man expresses surprise that his wife has become very withdrawn during hospitalization for pneumonia. Which response helps the husband understand how some people cope with hospitalization?

A) 'Hospitalization might cause a crisis. Has your wife had to cope with problems before this?'
B) 'Some people react that way. She will be more talkative when she feels better.'
C) 'Your wife might be feeling concern that she cannot fulfill her normal roles.'
D) 'This is typical behavior for someone who is as ill as your wife.'

5. The nurse is assessing an elder who the nurse suspects is being physically abused. The most important question for nurse to ask is:

A) 'How much money do you keep around the house?'
B) 'Who provides your physical care?'
C) 'How close does your nearest relative live?'
D) 'What form of transportation do you use?'

1. Right Answer: D
Explanation: Phenytoin and dextrose will precipitate. Normal saline is used to flush before and after phenytoin administration.The administration of an antiepileptic drug cannot be delayed to maintain a therapeutic blood level. Pharmacological Therapies

2. Right Answer: B
Explanation: The liver is the primary organ for digestion. Liver function tests measure the blood level of enzymes produced by the liver: prothrombin time/partial prothrombin time, serum glutamic oxaloacetic and pyruvic transaminases, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, albumin, and alkalinephosphatase. Choice 1 measures the bodys ability to clear triglycerides, the primary component of fats. Failure to clear triglycerides from the bloodstream indicates a problem with storage or the ingestion of too much fat. Choice 3 measures the blood glucose at intervals after a glucose-rich solution is ingested; it is used for diagnosing diabetes. Choice 4 is used to evaluate blood components. Pharmacological Therapies

3. Right Answer: D
Explanation: The primary goal of crisis intervention is to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and foster constructive coping.Previous psychological issues might recur during crisis, but the focus is on short-term resolution of the current problem. At the end, the nurse credits a client for positive changes and helps him or her understand what was learned. This allows the client to use the learned coping mechanisms when new problems arise.Psychosocial Integrity

4. Right Answer: A
Explanation: Hospitalization might precipitate a crisis in either the client or family. Clients might become demanding or withdrawn. Family members might become demanding to help them cope with insecurity. Psychosocial Integrity

5. Right Answer: B
Explanation: The most common abuser is a caregiver living with the client. Research reveals that the spouse is currently the most common abuser, followed by an adult child.Psychosocial Integrity



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