1. An HR VP?ÿis looking to implement a program to enhance career development in the organization's employee base. Feedback in a recent employee survey indicated that employees don't know very much about the function of other positions within the company, which limits the ability of employees to explore career paths that are not immediately related to their current position. Which program should the HR VP implement?
A) Job enrichment
B) Job enlargement
C) Job rotation
D) Apprenticeships
2. Developing Leaders Which tool uses in-basket tests, role plays, and psychological inventories to asses the abilities of a company's leadership team?
A) Work samples
B) Situation judgment tests
C) Leader career battery
D) Assessment centers
3. Which leadership assessment tool offers the highest usefulness and validity at the lowest cost?
A) Simulations
B) Psychological inventories
C) Situation judgment tests
D) Leaderless group discussions
4. How should an HR director start a leader development needs assessment for the organization?
A) Assess current leaders in relation to organizational strategy and goals.
B) Conduct a 360-degree assessment and identify gaps for development.
C) Develop a list of leader competencies and technical skills needed.
D) Conduct competency-based interviews with leaders and note gaps.
5. What is true regarding global leadership development?
A) A strong organizational culture of leadership development is required to be successful at developing leaders.
B) All countries share at least one leadership learning source: mistakes.
C) Leadership theories developed in one culture cannot be applied indiscriminately to other cultures.
D) The 70-20-10 model has universal applicability and utility.
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