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APHR Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 38
1. behavior is determined based on consequence. focuses on positive &negative reinforcement, consequence and extinction.
A) Davis- bacon Act 1931
B) Vrooms expectancy theory
C) Behavior reinforcement theory
D) Adam Equity Theory
2. Dual chain of command- report to more then one person
A) central tendancy error
B) Matrix Structure
C) Addie - Implement
D) Skill Based Pay
3. enhancing effectivness of the organization through planned activities and interventions
A) Emotional Intelligence
B) organizational development
C) 3 functions of a typical business?
D) Quantitative Job evaluation methods
4. federal, state and local government up to 240 hours or 30 days a year. Police and Fire up to 60 days a year
A) Dual Career partnerships
B) Occupational safety and health act 1970 (OSHA)
C) Who can offer comp time?
D) American with Disabilities Act
5. save lives, prevent injuries and protect health of america's workers
A) OSHA Mission
B) 5 OSHA citations
C) Addie model
D) OSHA form 300 A
1. Right Answer: C
2. Right Answer: B
3. Right Answer: B
4. Right Answer: C
5. Right Answer: A
80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED
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