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APHR Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 41

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. Judgements people male about their ability to tale the course of action necessary to deal with certain sit. belief if you and you abilities, differs from self esteem.

A) Social Learning theory
B) Adam Equity Theory
C) profit sharing
D) Cost Leadership Strategy

2. benefits and temp staffing

A) 2 most commonly outsourced hr functions
B) Compensatory time in Lieu of overtime pay
C) Factor Comparison Method- Job Eval
D) 3 types of organizational structures

3. distributing a protion of org stock to give employee shares in the company

A) profit sharing
B) 3 learning styles
C) Regency effect
D) career planning

4. regulates private employer pension and health plans to assure that retirement and health care plans are managed prudently and provide the benefits promised. Federal protection if a company were to go bankrupt

A) Women's Health and Cancer Right's Act
B) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
C) Employee Retirement Income Security Act, ERISA (1974)
D) Genetic Information Non- Discrimination Act (GINA2008)

5. Employment tax imposed in an equal amount on employees and employers pay for SS and medicare benefits

A) FLSA (fair labor standards act)
B) Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)
C) Nursing Mothers are guaranteed
D) McNamara -O' hAR Service Contract Act 1965

1. Right Answer: A

2. Right Answer: A

3. Right Answer: A

4. Right Answer: C

5. Right Answer: B

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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