1. each persons career is unique &individuals drive their own career
A) Critical Success Factors B) Wage and Salary data include C) similar/ different to me D) Protean career (hall and mirvis)
2. Base payHourlySalariedSalaried- non exempt Single Rate- same pay for each jobPiecework- paid for each unit madeDifferential piece rate- paid more for each unit after standard is made
A) Spiral MCCM (3) B) Balanced Score Card C) Sales Commission D) Direct Compensation
3. 1965-1980 Team, time off valued, want trustworthy bosses
A) Objective B) job Enrichment C) Generation X D) Broadbanding
4. responsible for reaching company goals, making money and operations
A) Outside salespersons B) Job Enlargement C) Line management D) when to test post- rehab
5. Market Line and Range Spread
A) two ways to develop and establish pay ranges B) works comp and medical records must be kept C) With broadbanding, fews what are available? D) Compensatory time in Lieu of overtime pay
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