1. Signage explaining that smoking is prohibited except in designated areas must be posted in all California buildings.
A) No later than 8 Hours B) Amicus Briefs C) No Smoking Poster D) Time Off to Vote Poster
2. Under California law, pregnancy disability, which is covered by FMLA is not covered by CFRA, since California has Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL).
A) Notice to Employee on Withholdings B) No later than 8 Hours C) Not covered under CFRA D) License for Disabled Workers
3. An employer should post only the information that applies to its employees. For example, if the employer is not covered by SDI or PFL, then it should post only the UI information.
A) Essential Function of the job B) Notice to Employee Regarding Wages C) Notice to Employee - UI, SDI, PFL D) The Whistleblower Protection Poster
4. California employers with at least 25 employees need to be accommodating to employees who voluntarily decide to enter a Drug or Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs; as long as the leave does not create an undue hardship to the employer.
A) Not Reason for Disability Discrimination B) Notice to Employee Regarding Wages C) California Department of Industrial Relations D) Drug or Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs
5. Employee must earn more than one and half (1.5) times the state minimum wage, and more than half of the employee's compensation must be in commissions to be exempt from California overtime requirements.
A) Change in Status Notice B) Essential Function of the job C) License for Disabled Workers D) Commissioned Inside Sales Employee
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