1. Scenario Question 4 of 4 A company sends a team of employees and one field supervisor to a customer's location for a week. Employees stay in hotel rooms, two employees per room, and receive a daily meal allowance that allows the purchase of one alcoholic beverage. At dinner one evening, the employees have a few alcoholic beverages, and then they return to the hotel, where one employee passes out in the parking lot. The other employees call an ambulance, and emergency personnel ask if the unconscious employee takes any medication. The employee who shares a room with the unconscious employee goes to the room and finds the employee's medication bottles. No one rides in the ambulance or follows it to the hospital. The field supervisor calls HR to report the incident. The HR manager asks if the employee's spouse has been called and which hospital the employee was admitted to. No one knows where the employee has been taken, nor has the employee been in contact with anyone. The field supervisor locates the employee, who is in serious condition. The employee remains unconscious; it is unknown if the employee will recover from the incident. Management wants to end the employment relationship with the employee.
A) Take no action, since it has not been determined that the employee's medical condition is related to alcohol consumption.
B) E-mail the company's daily meal allowance policy to all employees and direct the employees to review it.
C) Distribute the policy to employees and provide a venue to review it and answer questions.
D) Forward the policy to supervisors and rely on them to review the policy with each of their employees.
2. Scenario Question 1 of 3 A manufacturing team is having problems with the next phase of the manufacturing process after their actions in the process are completed. The next team is creating a bottleneck in the manufacturing process. The leader of each team is complaining about the other, and the manufacturing process has come to a halt! Both teams have requested your assistance to help them resolve the issue and get things moving again.
A) The HR team should refuse to comply with the VP of engineering's request simply on principle alone.
B) The HR team should have a discussion with the VP of engineering to better understand her concerns.
C) The HR team should discuss concerns, influence the VP to modify her request, and provide sufficient alternatives.
D) The HR team should discuss the situation with the CEO and the VP of HR to prevent the VP of engineering from lobbying.
3. Scenario Question 3 of 3 A manufacturing team is having problems with the next phase of the manufacturing process after their actions in the process are completed. The next team is creating a bottleneck in the manufacturing process. The leader of each team is complaining about the other, and the manufacturing process has come to a halt! Both teams have requested your assistance to help them resolve the issue and get things moving again.
A) A communication and marketing campaign could be launched to prepare other departments and explain the purpose of the engineering bonus.
B) Very little can be done, and the HR team should prepare for low morale, a rise in complaints, and frustration with management about the bonus.
C) Work with the VP to focus what is added to help others understand engineering, to prep the communication, and to prepare for employee questions and concerns.
D) Work with the VP of engineering to get bonuses for other departments, enforce an open-door policy, and deal with informal leader comments.
4. Scenario Question 3 of 3 A manufacturing team is having problems with the next phase of the manufacturing process after their actions in the process are completed. The next team is creating a bottleneck in the manufacturing process. The leader of each team is complaining about the other, and the manufacturing process has come to a halt! Both teams have requested your assistance to help them resolve the issue and get things moving again.
A) A communication and marketing campaign could be launched to prepare other departments and explain the purpose of the engineering bonus.
B) Very little can be done, and the HR team should prepare for low morale, a rise in complaints, and frustration with management about the bonus.
C) Work with the VP to focus what is added to help others understand engineering, to prep the communication, and to prepare for employee questions and concerns.
D) Work with the VP of engineering to get bonuses for other departments, enforce an open-door policy, and deal with informal leader comments.
5. Scenario Question 2 of 4 The World Manufacturing Company has 25 plants around the United States and other countries. More than 90 percent of their plants are unionized facilities. The company has enjoyed a long positive relationship with the various unions that represent their employees worldwide. A new facility is opening within the year near other unionized company locations. The GM of the new facility is concerned about the adversarial nature of the new union organizers. They are not from any union the company successfully deals with today.
A) Take all steps to avoid unionization regardless of the location or laws
B) Understand the laws and regulations for that location and work to maintain positive labor relations
C) Contact the international union that your organization is currently working with to establish a relationship at the new site
D) Work with the local unions to establish employer-union cooperation agreements
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