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SHRM-CP Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 1

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

SHRM-CP Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 1

1. A group has formed to organize the annual company picnic. Because one member has experience planning a church fall festival, he volunteers to take the helm. The other employees choose to follow him. Which kind of leadership does this exemplify?

A) Situational
B) Contingency
C) Emergent
D) Behavioral

2. Which is a trait of an effective leader?

A) Providing detailed directions to subordinates
B) Allowing employees to manage themselves
C) Fulfilling promises and commitments
D) Terminating poor performers and promoting high performers

3. A manager uses his skill with people to smooth over problems and to make his employees feel secure in their positions. According to the Blake-Mouton theory, what leadership style is the manager using?

A) Authoritarian manager
B) Country club manager
C) Impoverished manager
D) Team leader

4. Refer to the following scenario for the next 2 questions. The administrative assistant to the vice president of operations confides in the HR manager that the VP has been making inappropriate advances that have been getting progressively more forward and aggressive. This has made the administrative assistant uncomfortable, and now she wants to find a new position in the organization. The administrative assistant and the HR manager are long-time personal friends, and this information is shared with the HR manager outside of the work environment, on personal time. While the HR manager informs the administrative assistant that she should bring a formal complaint, the administrative assistant is very clear that she is sharing this information as a friend. She does not want to file a formal complaint out of fear of retaliation. Instead, she asks the HR manager to help her find a new role so that she can quietly leave her current position without creating trouble for the VP, the organization, or herself. What action should the HR manager take in response to hearing about this harassment?

A) A. Confront the VP of operations directly with the allegations and demand an explanation as to why he has behaved inappropriately.
B) B. Respect the friendship with the administrative assistant, honor the request for privacy on the issue, and not take any action in response to the complaint.
C) C. Have a follow-up discussion with the administrative assistant reassuring her of protection against retaliation and urging her to formally complain of the behavior.
D) D. Notify the VP of HR of the allegations so that a formal investigation can begin of these allegations of harassment.

5. The VP of operations has been identified as one of the top two possibilities to succeed the current CEO. The VP of HR receives a letter from the attorney of a different employee that charges the VP of operations and the organization with unlawful harassment. Which is the best first course of action the HR VP should take?

A) A. Notify the CEO and the organization's attorney, asking to meet to determine appropriate next steps.
B) B. Initiate the investigation by gathering all the facts about the unlawful harassment claim.
C) C. Independently speak to the VP of operations and ask if there is any merit to the claim of unlawful harassment.
D) D. Terminate the VP of operations' employment immediately in order to mitigate any further risks.

6. According to the Hersey-Blanchard theory, which is generally the most suitable situational leadership approach for entry-level employees?

A) Delegating
B) Selling
C) Telling
D) Participating

7. What leadership theory is characterized by the belief that managers must use different leadership styles depending on the circumstances?

A) Trait theory
B) Behavioral theory
C) Motivational theory
D) Situational leadership theory

8. Refer to the following scenario for the next 3 questions. A vice president (VP) of HR has responsibility for multiple manufacturing sites and is responsible for teams of HR managers and generalists that support each location. All locations operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. These teams cover all shifts, providing support. Each location is in the process of rolling out updated policies, including enhancements to the company's progressive disciplinary process and an ethics policy that focuses on commitment to mutual respect, ethical decision making, and integrity. One day, after the VP of HR has left her office, she receives a call from a site HR generalist. The generalist tells the VP that when he returned from his dinner break, the HR office appeared to have been ransacked. Books were thrown on the floor, and name tags were torn off doors and thrown into the trash. The generalist also reports that when security checked the cameras, they reached the conclusion that the site HR manager had done the damage and then had left the facility. The VP knows that the site HR manager has a volatile personality and has been counseled about it previously. The VP also has recently discovered that the manager has been drinking routinely after work and wonders if the ransacking of the office occurred when the manager returned to the office after a drinking session. What is the first step the VP should take before proceeding to the factory?

A) A. Call the HR manager to discuss the incident, conveying concern that this behavior is inconsistent with the organization's values and policies.
B) B. Call security to notify them of her pending arrival and request to meet to review the surveillance coverage.
C) C. Call the local police to request their presence at the site to bring forward charges of property destruction against the manager.
D) D. Call the site general manager to inform him of the situation, advising that the HR manager will be terminated.

9. What steps should the VP of HR take to address the condition of the HR office? D is incorrect. There is no need to create disruption and potential productivity issues in the factory by bringing more people in to witness the mess.

A) A. Work with the second shift HR generalist to clean up the damage and destruction of the HR office.
B) B. Leave the office as is so everyone can see it when they arrive the next day.
C) C. Demand that the HR manager return and clean up the HR area.
D) D. Request employees from the site and ask for their help with cleaning up the office.

10. The following day, members of the HR team separately contact the HR VP with concerns about the incident. Which action should the VP take address the concerns of the HR team?

A) A. Ask the HR team to document their concerns to share with the site general manager.
B) B. Bring the HR team together and ask the site HR manager to apologize to the team.
C) C. Request that they schedule time to discuss their concerns directly, one-on-one, with the HR manager.
D) D. Meet with the HR team as a group, discussing what happened and listening to concerns they have.

1. Right Answer: C
Explanation: The emergent leadership theory proposes that leaders can emerge from a group, deriving their power from the group's agreement with this role. The other leadership theories refer to the ways team leaders use their roles to produce results and engage, develop, and motivate team members.

2. Right Answer: C
Explanation: Leaders must model the values the organization aspires to, which means being trustworthy and reliable. Effective leaders may not allow all employees to direct themselves. They provide coaching rather than terminating poor performers. They provide detailed directions to those who need it.

3. Right Answer: B
Explanation: Managers who exhibit low task, high people (country club) leadership styles avoid using their authority because they fear that it will jeopardize their relationships. They try to create a supportive atmosphere and trust that employees will respond positively. An authoritarian leader emphasizes task, and an impoverished leader neglects both task and people. A true team leader attends to needs related to both tasks and people.

4. Right Answer: D
Explanation: D is the best response. This is a very delicate situation for an HR manager, who must fulfill a duty to the organization. Respecting friendship and honoring other's requests are serious considerations. However, if ignored, claims of harassment put the organization in a precarious position, with potential liability. Given that the allegations are being made against a senior management employee, it is important for the HR manager to escalate this issue to a more senior HR leader to determine the best way to proceed. Furthermore, since the HR manager has a long-standing personal friendship with the employee making the harassment claim, it is probably best for another HR person to step in for the investigation so as to fend off any perception of HR bias. A is incorrect. The VP of operations should not be confronted until a formal plan of action is created. B is incorrect. Once the administrative assistant has shared the allegations with the HR manager, even if in confidence and during personal time, the HR manager has a duty to protect the employer from any liability. If the HR manager does not act on the allegations of misconduct and harassment, she is jeopardizing the organization. C is incorrect. Talking with the administrative assistant and urging her to file a formal complaint is a good idea. However, if the administrative assistant continues to say no, the HR manager must do something. If the HR manager does not act on the allegations of misconduct and harassment, even if the allegations were made on personal time, the HR manager is jeopardizing the organization.

5. Right Answer: A
Explanation: A is the best response. The VP of operations plays a critical role in the organization and has been identified as a potential successor to the CEO. Given that this is the second time sexual harassment allegations have been made against him and that this time there's a threat of a lawsuit, it is important to notify the CEO and corporate counsel. B is incorrect. It is important to investigate the entire situation, with all allegations and claims considered equally. C is incorrect. HR should not take any action independent of the organization's CEO and attorney. D is incorrect. At this stage, firing the VP of operations may be premature, as it is just an allegation with no actual evidence and not even clarity on the facts. A sound and unbiased investigation must be conducted to uncover the facts, and only then would the policy on disciplinary action apply if deemed necessary.

6. Right Answer: C
Explanation: The telling leadership style prioritizes the task (providing direction) over the relationship (creating motivation). Entry-level employees require leadership that provides structure to project scheduling, methodologies, procedures, etc. When the new employee gains proficiency, the leader can begin to focus on 'selling' or motivating. Because the new employee does not possess sufficient experience or insight into best practices, he or she cannot adequately participate in joint problem solving or decision making, which would characterize the participating and delegating approaches.

7. Right Answer: D
Explanation: The situational leadership theory states that different leadership styles should be used based on the situation in which managers find themselves. The trait theory states that leaders possess different traits than average people do. According to the behavioral theory, how a person behaves determines leadership effectiveness. The motivational theory looks at the factors causing job satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

8. Right Answer: B
Explanation: B is the best response. This call will help assess security's level of concern regarding site safety and will ensure that they save the tapes of the incident. A is incorrect. If the HR VP calls the HR manager, the HR manager may demand that no action be taken. The HR VP will do better by taking appropriate investigatory action prior to contacting the HR manager. C is incorrect. Having the police on site would likely be viewed as an overreaction, since on-site security is available. D is incorrect. A proper investigation should be conducted prior to advising the general manager on what course of action should be taken.

9. Right Answer: A
Explanation: A is the best response. Helping the second shift HR generalist with the cleanup is consistent with the company's value of constant respect for people. B is incorrect. With the security footage available for reference, there is no need to leave the office in a shambles for more people to witness. C is incorrect. Contacting the HR manager for this purpose could only further exacerbate the matter.

10. Right Answer: D
Explanation: D is the best response. The HR team will likely be concerned and unsettled. Bringing them together for reassurance and to hear their concerns will help. Reinforce that there is a plan to address the situation. A is incorrect. Asking the HR team to document their concerns may create additional anxiety and opportunity for gossip. The HR VP should convey the facts and concerns to the general manager on behalf of the HR team. B is incorrect. Because of the history of the HR manager's volatile behavior, an apology may not be well received. If the HR manager feels pressured to provide an apology, it might not be seen as sincere and could generate additional concern. C is incorrect. Given the history of the HR manager, this could further exacerbate the situation.

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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