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SPHRI Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 112

Jenny Clarke

Mon, 10 Feb 2025

1. A company's computer servers were stolen from a secured area. Due to lack of evidence, no employees are under suspicion. How can the company best deal with the theft problem?

A) Suggested actions and practices for acquiring HR competencies.
B) a) Build self-esteemb) Help in finding and obtaining a new jobf) Provides training opportunity
C) measure goals from the perspective of key stakeholders.
D) Involve employees in developing and implementing a corporate ethics program.

2. The most common reason for succession plans failure is:

A) Assess performance and management
B) measuring development and peofrmance
C) lack of follow up
D) Lack of executive-level support

3. What is the next step for an organization that is evolving from a largely R&D centered company to a manufacturing production house?

A) Only the experimental group receives the treatment.
B) Have senior management meet to discuss and decide on the future vision for the company
C) The return on investment for this campaign is 500%. In this case the return on investment equals the value of the benefits received ($500,000) divided by the initial investment ($100,000). 500,000 / 100,000 * 100% = 500%
D) Educate line managers on new policies and process

4. Which of the following statements about knowledge management is true?

A) Entry-level jobs filled by immigrants will require less training ill the future
B) Corporate Accountability
C) A beauty products company changes its advertising to appeal to a preteen audience.
D) Cultural and personal issues related to sharing information have impeded its acceptance.

5. `A company will invest in a core group of individuals to identify potential competitive advantages and strategic directions to pursue. Which of the following attributes or factors should the job analysis focus on?

A) Required competencies and how they are assessed
B) Concurrent
C) incentive programs.
D) Have senior management meet to discuss and decide on the future vision for the company

1. Right Answer: D

2. Right Answer: D

3. Right Answer: B

4. Right Answer: D

5. Right Answer: A

80% DISCOUNT: SHRM-CP PRACTICE EXAMS Questions with detailed explanation 2023 - UPDATED


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