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SPHRI Certification Exam Questions 2023 - Day 138

Jenny Clarke

Sat, 25 Jan 2025

1. What should be the HR director's first step when an office building is concerned about terrorist attacks and being able to communicate with all its employees wherever they are located?

A) Involve senior management to determine the communications goals.
B) determine the organization's financial strengths and weaknesses.
C) Analyze the job description and job specifications
D) Employee agrees with the final version of the review

2. Which of the following approaches is most appropriate when there is an alliance between companies that contribute to different parts of the value chain?

A) The coach should become fully versed on coaching methods before starting the process.
B) ident development opportunities
C) family
D) The companies merge into a new organization that retains the best aspects of the original partners.

3. A disadvantage of relying on social media for the recruiting process is

A) Structured strategies
B) Benchmark to quantify the trend.
C) reduced personal interaction.
D) Ranking method

4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why a company would pursue moving forward with a downsizing strategy?

A) Corporate Accountability
B) Eliminating coinsurance payments
C) History of customer complaints.
D) Respond to new deregulation

5. An HR professional is evaluating an organization's values and guiding principles. The most accurate results are achieved by

A) HR as a culture and change steward.
B) ) A successful differentiation strategy
C) Determine the direction the product will take in the future
D) examining the reward and recognition system.

1. Right Answer: A

2. Right Answer: D

3. Right Answer: C

4. Right Answer: D

5. Right Answer: D

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